

Add information about a trainer, school or group

You do not need to answer out all of the questions, however the more information that we have the better. You can also use the same form for telling us about changes. Additional information is available under help.

Your Name and E-Mail address(es) / Deine Name und E-Mail Adresse(n):

You should provide us with all of your contact details. This information will be provided in the dancers section unless you specify otherwise.

Name of the Trainer or Group / Name des Trainers oder Gruppe:

Contact address(es) and telephone numbers / Kontakt Adresse(n) und Telefonnummern:

You should provide us with your details so that we know how to get in touch if we have questions. This is only necessary if you are not the contact provided above.

E-Mail address / E-Mail Adresse:

All mail addresses in the dancers section are protected by anti spam mechanisms to prevent web spiders from stealing addresses automatically. See our anti spam page.

Homepage / Webseite:

Number of dancers in the school or group / Anzahl Tänzer(innen) in der Schule oder Gruppe:

This is only to give us a feel for the size of the group.

Additional Information / Weitere Information:

You can provide us with additional information not provided so far. .

Help on filling out this form

You do not need to answer out all of the questions, however the more information that we have the better. You can also use the same form for telling us about changes. The information is edited before being published to the website.

For schools and groups the following information is usefull:

  • Name of your trainer(s) and guest teachers (workshops etc.)
  • Contact information - telephone, address, mail, web
  • How long you have been together
  • Where do you perform
  • General history of the group
  • What age groups are in the school or group
  • Dance emphasis - soft shoes, hard shoes, set dancing, ceili dancing ...

For trainers and teachers the following information is usefull:

  • Where they learned Irish Dancing and when
  • How long they have been teaching
  • Irish Dance Qualifications (others if related)
  • Other cities where classes are held
  • Related dance groups